The purpose of the Care Ministry is to provide visits and bring communion to shut-ins and nursing home residents. If anyone needs a helping hand, a ride or a visit, a phone call to the office and a care-giver is called to take care of the need. When hospitalized, a visit is made to the member to provide support and attend to any need. All members on our list receive a visit or phone call each month. Care-givers also distribute the altar flowers each week when the provider does not want to take the flowers home.
On the second Friday of each month a service with communion is shared with the residents of Dixon Rehabilitation and Health Care Center at 10:30 AM and with Liberty Court at 1:30 PM. Services at Heritage Square are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:30 AM.
The Care Ministry is an important service to St Paul members and beyond. If you would like to join this ministry, or need support, call the church office at 815-288-2757 or email at
Sunday Morning Worship | 10:45 am
Saturday Evening Worship 5:30 pm (2nd & 4th Saturdays)
(1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays meet at
Immanuel Lutheran Church,1013 Franklin Grove Road, Dixon, IL)