St. Paul Lutheran's Sunday School is 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. on Sundays from September to May. We offer Sunday School for children grades PreK (3) - first grade, elementary grades 2 - 5, and middle school and high school youth. Parents/guardians and young people are encouraged to participate in a Sunday School group that is most fitting, regardless of age. One Sunday per month at the same time we have Faith Lab, which includes all ages of children and youth worshipping, praying, playing games, creating arts and crafts, exploring who God is through experiments, retelling Bible stories through drama and serving others in our faith community and beyond.
We have a children's library, a childcare room, a prayground*, opportunities for 0 - 3 Y.O. families, and a Vacation Bible School with Immanuel Lutheran Church in the summer, not to mention children and youth helping to lead worship, outdoor worship and picnics, and other child-friendly activities through the year. We also perform the sacrament of baptism and welcome children to the communion table for a blessing or to receive communion as soon as their parents/guardians feel they are ready.
* The prayground is part of our worship space. It's a children's table with coloring books and crayons and other activities. It allows children to engage in activities while being immersed in the experience of worship.
Contact the church office (815) 288-2757 and our Children, Youth and Ministries Coordinator at to find out how to become involved with our Sunday morning Faith Formation and Sunday School.
Established in 2023
Safety for all people of St Paul, especially children and youth, is of greatest importance... CONTINUE READING...
Sunday Morning Worship | 10:45 am
Saturday Evening Worship 5:30 pm (2nd & 4th Saturdays)
(1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays meet at
Immanuel Lutheran Church,1013 Franklin Grove Road, Dixon, IL)